The venues are spread across Bellingen Shire which has a distance East to West of over 70 km. You may often need precise driving directions to get to a venue. There are three different ways to obtain directions. They are:
1) Enter the venue address into Google Maps or your Maps app on your mobile phone and follow the Directions.
2) Obtain a printed map of Dorrigo, Bellingen or Urunga by picking one up at a venue. You can also click on the buttons below to download the maps then print. Each map contains details of venues in the town and surrounding area. Use the map for driving directions.
downloadable maps NOW AVAILABLE !
3) Use the appropriate interactive map below (made with Google My Maps). To obtain Google Maps Directions using your mobile phone, click on the icon on the top left of the map to obtain a list of venues, click on a venue, then click the right turn arrow sign on the top red bar to obtain Directions. If using a laptop, your starting address will need to be entered.
Use the one that suits you best, but note sometimes outside towns the Internet signal is weak.