Crystal Tate
Paintings and drawings
Map Number 24
62 Hyde Street, Bellingen
Wheelchair accessible
Phone: 0468 731 833
Crystal Tate is a passionate local artist residing and creating on Gumbaynggirr land.
Tate views life as million moments, ever moving, ever changing. Every now and then, we stop and ‘collect’ one of these moments that feels like it matters; it might light us up, make us pause, help us slow down, or even cause us to laugh.
Tate delights in distilling these memories through her vibrant landscapes and sweet portraits. Each artwork is lovingly hand drawn in her unique and quirky style with the intention of connecting us to the places and people we love. She aims to brighten our walls with art that also touches our heart.
Self taught, ever-curious and always growing,Tate currently produces most of her print art by hand in Procreate on her Apple iPad. When playing with paper or canvas, she loves to create art using a mix of acrylic, gouache, watercolours, pencils, felt tip markers and pens.
Tate has enjoyed working with a number of individuals and businesses to create memorable and unique art. These include; Bellingen Shire Council, Camp Creative and Hot Myrtle Kitchen.
Latest exhibition news and projects will be shared on Instagram. To keep up to date with what Tate is doing, make sure you follow along.